1 Peter 4:8

Above all things being fervent in your love among yourselves; for love covereth a multitude of sins.

6 Responses to “1 Peter 4:8”

  1. yitpak goma Says:

    The generation we live today have change the christianity life, talking of love one another the bible tell us about how God love the world and give his only beggotting son to save the world but yet people don,t want to live a life of our lord Jesus christ. Love that Jesus need from us is the true love which is coming through our heart not only mouth to tell someone i love you no if you throughly love your brothers or sisters show he/she the way of life an love of God that Jesus love us.

  2. Jonathan Says:

    Im just a 15 year old boy that was bored and i just decided t osee some words from the bible. I was christian but i have drifted away. I just want to know what this really means. I dont understand. How is there many sins in love?

    • Ayodeji Oms Says:

      There are no sins in love, let alone many. What that verse means is that when one person(s) sins against another (especially within a group of believers), if love is present abundantly, then these sins will not take hold of the person or the group as forgiveness and acceptance in love will overcome any wrong.

  3. Olayinka Says:

    The verse explains the answer Jesus gave his disciple on how many times one should forgive an offender which he said 70 X 7 times, in the real since who can keep count, just Love …… Love, but I say the best way to learn how to love other is to first love yourself. Therefore, forgive yourself, that man, that woman, that friend, that child. try not to say mad, do not let the sun go down on your anger.

  4. Ayodeji Oms Says:

    You see, the summary of Christianity as a way of life is based on love. Jesus kept on preaching love for if you love, no fault is visible on your part. Love like God; Unconditionally!

  5. Pamela Hudson Says:

    Lord help me to walk in Love and Forgiveness, as you have forgiven me many times. Also, help me walk in your Devine favor in every areas of my life and to walk in “HOLY BOLDNESS and FAITH in YOU always!” I am faced with challenges in my finances, relationships, my current job and my current living situation, but I still TRUST YOU LORD. I know there is a Blessing on the other side of it all! For your Word says that “perfect love casts out fear.” I John 4:18

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